Now you will ask me this question What exactly Rss is ? Rss stands for really simple syndication. As the name suggests it is really simple and it is the way of syndicating. Nowadays everyone is using Rss to their benefit. A website publisher can display article and...
Congratulations Ashish Thakkar on receiving the Master Level certificate at Experts exchange. Topics covered : Search engine optimization, website promotion, email marketing and Internet marketing. FROM: Img:...
A Few days back I was asked by my aunt (who is an expert in Homeopathy) as to how an article should be written for the internet. The answer is simple – “Write BIG”. The art of writing for the web is not actually a difficult art and can be mastered by anyone. Even by a...
Funny – reliance internet connection 1. They will keep transferring your line from one dept to another dept and you will have to explain your same problem you have had for 6 months to every person your line has been transferred to. Chances are that each and...
Javascript popup is actually one of the best method today for web advertising and catching the users attention. We will discuss in this article below the impact of javascript popup on various groups : 1.Advertiser :- The advertiser benefits the most because his...
Lot of my friends and relatives keep asking me as to how they can make money on the internet. They get surprised seeing my lifestyle – me not working my ass off on day jobs – they don’t hear me cursing my boss – easy going – no 9 to 5...