Website Issues Solved:
Website troubleshooting, Website errors, Website repair, Seo audit work
Once your website is done….what do you do next?
Who will manage your website? Do you know how to update your website?
Once your SEO campaign is over what do you do next?
Who will help you with your site rankings?
Once you have got your website hosted, what do you do next?
Who will help you keep your site in top condition?
There are website designers and SEO consultants that do their job and then leave your site in a condition that is good enough, but only for the time being. The site will not stay in that top condition forever.
What will you do if your site went down?
What will you do if your site’s SEO is NOT working for you?
What if your blog had loading issues? Where are you going to look for WordPress help quick?
Jimmy Thakkar and his team in Mumbai are there to fix your website issues and help you with your on going website issues or your one time problems related to website design and site ranking.
Some of the common problems faced by users which lead in to inquiries for us:
A) Poor Website Performance
The client requires a website redesign because the website created by old website designer is outdated and does not look good.
1. Website not loading properly on all browsers – If you have recently got your website designed then you would know how important it is for your website to load everywhere properly. Not all your website visitors are coming from Chrome nor are all your visitors coming from Internet explorer. You have to make sure your site is compatible with all the browsers.
2. Website not mobile friendly – This is one of the most important factors currently for website design or website re-design. If your website is not mobile friendly then you will lose 90% of your business because of bad display of your site on mobiles and losing out on ranking of your website against your competitor’s mobile friendly responsive website.
3. Website is not gadget friendly – If you are still running an old version of your site done in html 4 or iframe or flash then your site might not load properly on gadgets like tablets and netbooks.
4. Website speed is slow – There is a huge percentage of people who are still running on slow internet and there is an even higher percentage of people who are short in patience and will just close the browser and go off to a different site if your site is loading very slowly.
B) Wrong SEO
Fix SEO issues because the client has lost his/her website ranking because of improper SEO done by SEO professional they had hired.
1. Site penalized – There are a lot of reason why your site can get penalized. Copied content, black hat SEO, bad website hosting and bad backlinks are few of the reasons. If you do not know what is wrong with your website then how can you solve them? Call us for a free website audit.
2. Ranking lost – You can lose rankings for your website for point number 1 mentioned above. There can be other reasons as well. Your webmaster can’t always help you with the same. Who will you go to then?
If you ever thought it was easy and told yourself I will SEO my website myself and rank my website in a matter of days because it’s easy, then DON’T.
Wrong SEO or incorrect SEO can do more harm than good. We can help you fix SEO problems the right way.
3. Low traffic – This is the number one reason of website failing and shutting down in a year or two after they have launched. Most website owners think that just creating a website will improve their reputation and sales will automatically grow; this is not correct. There are certain rules you should follow in order to get traffic to your website.
C) Upgrading Website / Website Repair
The client has plans to expand but does not know how to. Some of the requirements:
1. To use advertising on website or make money through website.
2. Do social media integration.
3. Add blog to website or to be able to manage site by self.
4. Add e-commerce store to an existing website or revamp a website with payment gateway function.
5. Move to a better hosting or shift to https by installing SSL Certificate.
You can also contact us for planning and implementation of your website or general website troubleshooting.
– Jimmy Thakkar and his team of Coders, Designers & Seo experts will help fix your website related problems.
Website Design Or Blog Issues
Website Ranking Issues
Fix My Website
- Want to sell on your website? E-commerce issues?
- Earn money through your website?
- Change Host or transfer host issues?
- Website down? Email issues?
- Need a responsive website/mobile app?
- Want to make your website popular?
- Repair errors on your site?
- Help with Advertising/Adsense?
- Website index/crawl problems?
- Need Facebook/Twitter help for your site?
- You have an idea: You need to start your venture and need a website/logo/blog designer?

Contact Form For Website Help
You can reach us here if you need help with any website issues you have. We can also help you with website maintenance as well as hosting, fixing or promoting your Ai-generated website!