Website Redesign in Mumbai
Still running an old, outdated, non mobile friendly, non seo friendly, slow and sales-less website?
A website re-design is more of a necessity than an option these days. Most of the companies that hire a website designer get the website designed but then after the website is completed, they leave the website as is.
Many companies do not update the content nor do they upgrade their website leaving the website vulnerable to spam, malware and virus which can harm the website’s reputation. This is the #1 reason why people redo their WordPress website.
No website visitor wants to see a bad looking website or a website which is filled with errors.
Many of the website development inquiries we receive at our Mumbai office are related to site redesign. What is most surprising is that the owner of the website has no control over their own website.
Two main problems that most of these website owners come up with when they order our website redesign services are:
- Website uses outdated technology of the 90s – Flash website. They want to redesign their website because their website does not load properly on all devices. Good decision because a website should load and look good on all browsers and gadgets.
- SEO, Content+Design is done but as per the standards set in the year 2005 – The search engine algorithm changes more often than you know. Iframe, Junk content and spamming your meta tags with keywords does NOT work.
Obviously everyone wants their website to look attractive but there are many things to consider when you revamp your website. After all you don’t want an attractive site which loads slow but at the same time you do not want to redesign your website without any images or videos just so that the website can load fast.
Things to consider if you are thinking of going for a website revamp:
- SSL: Is your website secure?
- SEO friendly: Is the content and ‘on page’ SEO done properly?
- Website LOAD: Is the speed of your website slow?
- COMPATIBILITY: Does the site look good on all browsers, mobiles and tablets?
When we redesign your website we make sure everything runs as smooth as possible.
– After revamping your website, we handover the control to you which means you have access to your website’s admin/control panel with which you can edit, add, remove content whenever you like. You can also upgrade your website yourself easily. No need for website maintenance or AMC as your website is controlled and managed by you completely.
Website Redesign Process:
To find out the type of work required and whether you require a redesign or a rebuild/redevelopment, we will have to do a website audit first; this would include:
- Checking the site on various browsers.
- Checking the website on mobile phones
- Checking content and ‘on page’ SEO of the site.
- Checking website speed.
- Checking and validating html code, tags and navigation of the site along with 404 error pages.
After the website analysis is completed comes the next step where the website redesign costs are shared with you.
The final step: Redesigning an attractive and fast loading website for you which converts your website visitors into leads and sales.
1. Why should I redesign my website?
– Your website is old and outdated.
– Your website is NOT mobile friendly
– You haven’t updated the design to match the latest standards.
– Your website does not look the same on latest browsers.
2. How much will the website updates cost if I have a small website?
If you only want to redesign a webpage then the cost will be less compared to website redevelopment where design and coding both are required. Just shoot us an email and we will check your website before giving a quote.
3. Should I rebuild or redesign my website?
You can answer this yourself. Do you just wish to change the look and feel of your website or do you want to redo your website to get the complete updates and upgrades done. These would include:
- Platform change with hosting and server upgrade.
- Change in Content Management System (CMS) – Example WordPress to Magento, Html5 to Joomla, Drupal etc.
- Same company site but on a new domain name.
- Changing the code of the website from aspx to php or php to python or html to asp.
You can also ask us – your new local website redesign agency in Mumbai to do a website audit for you to find out what your site requires.
4. Will website redesign cost more than website design?
If you only have to redesign the homepage then it was fine but redesigning an existing website might cost equal or more than designing a new website from scratch. The reason for that is that the website designer has to make sure that the previous pages, the URL structure and content is not messed with while going in for the website revamp. Example, you have a website with a particular URL and permalink and you are already ranked for that page then the developer will have to make sure he doesn’t mess that up there or else you could lose your existing traffic you get to those links.
He also has to take care of the most important part of the website redesign: Website UX & Website UI