Abs vs Apps challenge – Which out of the 2 is easier?

This is an unusual challenge because I don’t think most body builders or gymmers must ever think on coding apps for mobiles and most tech guys working on codes and design don’t really care if they have flat stomach or a beer belly.

Well that’s a maybe and I don’t get out much so I don’t know…there could probably be many people who do both of them.

23rd April 2018 – I am giving myself a challenge on seeing which is easier to do:






I give myself 30 days of time to see what I can come up with.

Advantage abs: I don’t have a big belly so maybe this would be easier.

Advantage apps: I do have Java coding experience in the past so maybe this would be easier?

Disadvantage abs: I had given it a shot earlier also when I used to jog daily; did manage to get a flat stomach but no abs really. Also I do not have a trainer nor do I follow a strict diet so I will have to go and research daily online to learn more about the technique and diet.

Disadvantage apps: Well if this was easy I would have already done it. If you are into website design and software business and you haven’t already started making apps something is seriously wrong.

I am going to update this post later maybe once or twice and then after 30 days to see where I have reached.

Wish me luck…I’m going to need it!

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