What good is a number 1 ranking if it does not generate sales ?

FIND what the difference is between 'YOUR' sales page and the sales page of the 'GURUS'.

Jvw Sales page optimizer software will analyze and optimize your sales pages to increase your sales by atleast 47%

Why do i need Jvw Sales page optimizer ?

Every product you are selling on the internet has a sales page, i.e. a page that gives the website visitor information on the product, its features/advantages and text in order to make the sale of the product. The sales page is the only way at that moment that can help make the sales as on the internet , you are not present in real to explain and convince the customer to buy the product. There are various concerns you have in your sales page...

  • Whether Colors used are Web safe or not?
  • Whether i have put the order button at the right place?
  • Is my web copy sales oriented or search engine oriented ?
  • Are the keywords and title proper?
  • How are my competitors doing it ?

    What All Jvw Sales page optimizer Can Do For You...

    Features and advantages of Jvw Sales page optimizer

  • New feature : Finds un-optimized words in your sales copy and suggests sales oriented words. The software will analyze and find words that are not appealing and suggest words that are more appealing and sales oriented.

  • Analyze details from the sales page like List of Bold Text used in the page,List of all links, Email links, number of words, List of Power words and Hypnotic words used, Bulleted text list, Cloaked links, Heading, sub headline, copyright information, email and tel.

  • Extract details like Date when the WebPage was last updated, Download time for the webpage, Background color used on the webpage, Number of Inbound and outbound links, Information of forms, fonts, tables and color of the webpage.

  • Advanced info like Number of images used with their sizes and alt tags, whether Audio/Video is used on Page, Whether Javascript/Flash/Dhtml/Cookies/Applets is used?

  • Jvw Sales page optimizer will also give you the facility of search engine optimization with sales page optimization :
      Keyword Density Analysis
      Keyword Frequency
      Keywords in URL used or not
      Keywords found in Top Search results
      WebPage Title
      WebPage Meta Description
      Number of times Keywords is Used
      List of All Meta-Tags
      Use of comment tags
      Website analysis : Host info and Whois info.

      Don't upload any of your sales pages before you analyze and optimize it correctly with this incredible software...

      Remember - Better Sales copy = More Sales!

      Jvw Sales page optimizer

      Get Jvw Sales page optimizer Now!

      To your success,

      P.S. Get a copy of Jvw sales page optimizer absolutely FREE when you order Website analyis from Jimmy Thakkar.    

      P.P.S. Get this incredible sales page optimization software with resell rights at an amazing price of $125 only.                          

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