It is important to note that no blogging and pinging script or software alone will get you the million of hits you dream about. It is important to stick to the basics of having a quality content and then letting the indexers do their job. It is also important to keep updating the sites you need to ping. It is best to keep adding to the list and sites you need to ping as the blogging scene gets hotter. In the late nineties the Site submission software was really hot. What you had to do is just enter your Website URL in the textbox and then select the number of search engines you wish to submit to. Well, the things have not changed much. The only difference is that instead of submitting the website, you submit the RSS (Because for each blog there is an RSS).
You can search Google for such a tool or you can use the RSS submitter tool available with RSS solution package at Jvw.
Note : It is important that you do not keep submitting the RSS feed again and again.
One important thing that most bloggers forget is the use of important keywords in their meta-tags or using the meta tags in the first place. The auto blog installer installs the basic blog but it is important you build upon it and make sure you have meta description tag for each post you make. This is very important for rankings in many search engines and directories.